Urban Bridges on the Chicago River

At the start of summer I took a course on the history of Chicago, and one of the 
main units was the importance of geography in Chicago's development. This mostly
 involved reading about the different bodies of water and how they helped expand commerce, 
and on one of our excursions into the city we canoed along the Chicago River in 
downtown Chicago. I brought my film camera in hopes of capturing unique angles of
 buildings and bridges, although it ended up inciting some worry from others who
 thought that the camera was expensive and was going to get damaged by water. 

Industrial bridges make for awesome black and white photographs, but I either 
developed this film incorrectly or left the roll of film in my camera for too long (I've 
been using this same roll of film for several months so that I could practice taking
 more deliberate shots). The edges are faded and a few shots are overexposed or 
out of focus. Film photography certainly yields more detailed results but without 
any technical knowhow for the developing process it can be a frustrating and 
antiquated alternative to digital photography.

Taken in June 2012

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