Industrial Midwest: Indiana

On another trip to look at schools around the midwest, my family and I 
drove through central Illinois and Indiana. Other than the college towns,
 both states are very barren. Cornfields, factories, small planned suburbs, and 
agricultural structures (grain elevators being the most unique)
 lined the highway. Indiana--which I've always found 
to be a particularly unpleasant state-- differs from the rest of
 the midwest in that along the Lake are industrial complexes.

There are a lot of pretty haunting rusty industrial structures between Gary 
and the south side of Chicago. While driving back at night from Ohio 
several months ago, the towers at the steel mill could be seen in the distance 
spewing flames. Very dystopic. Anyway, the port is also full of 
neat rusty industrial structures and as we drove by them on I-90 I
 took a few photos. 

Taken in July 2012

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