Wildflowers in Crow Island Woods

For some reason I felt motivated to create this "Illinois Wildflower" 
series, so I spent my Sunday walking around some areas with 
wildflowers in Winnetka . The Crow Island Woods--a small forest 
next to the elementary school--by far had the most variety of 
wildflowers. Many of the more unusually ones, like the flower in the 
bottom photo, numbered very few and were hidden under large ferns.

To get closer than I usually could with my typical lens, I used macro extensions.
 As long as there was a lot of light, they didn't create much of a problem. 
I watched a video last night about flower photography so I tried to use the 
tips it gave with these flowers: keep the flower in focus, crop out negative 
space, and make sure the flower contrasts the background.

Taken in May 2012

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