More Waterfowl on the Skokie Lagoon

A bunch of waterfowl repeatedly took off, circumvented the Lagoon, and plopped
 back into a little bend in the Skokie Lagoon along Forest Way drive in Winnetka.
 They're really bizarre birds and I have absolutely no idea what to call them 
other than 'waterfowl', which is a word which describes ducks and geese. Bird 
watchers love them and photographically their white coats and crayon colored
 eyes compliment the dark brooding tones of the forest in winter.
[Update: they're called Common Goldeneyes]

These birds were very far away, and the only way I could have possibly
 gotten any detail of them was with my telephoto lens. In the top photo,
 the birds had started to float towards me, so I was able to get a few in
 front to make the birds have more presence in the photo.

Taken in February 2012

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