Wintry Field in Middlefork Savanna Preserve

Because of global warming, the lack of snow has left the wintry prairie 
landscape barren and skeletal. While walking around the Lake Forest half of the 
Middlefork Savanna Preserve on New Years Day, I took a few photographs with
 my 50mm f/1.8 that emphasize the repetitive, wood-colored deadness of the leafless
 trees and dried grass.

After about five minutes of hiking along the path the freezing weather became 
unbearable and I drove home. It's sort of frustrating that forgetting a minor thing 
like a hat disrupted going so out-of-the-way to a place like Middlefork, but I guess 
dressing for adverse conditions is a necessity for nature photography. It never 
really occurred to me until now how the more prepared a nature photographer is 
the more opportunities there are for good shots.

Taken in January 2013
Lake Forest

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