Chicago Garter Snake on the Skokie Lagoons

For some reason I spent noon till sunset hiking along the inner-forest trails of the Skokie
 Lagoons with my telephoto lens. It was interesting to discover new paths, islands, 
and fields that I hadn't been to before, but as a photography hike there were relatively
 few interesting plants and birds. One exception was a garter snake which wriggled
 through the dry leaves and froze a few feet away from the trail. I spent about five
 minutes taking pictures of the snake from a bunch of different angles as it remained
 frozen, and after I got a few shots that seemed nice enough I went back on my way.

I've seen a few snakes in the woods before, but it was still surprising when I spotted 
this one. They're not dangerous, but in a pretty zoologically vanilla environment it's
 different and somewhat enthralling to see a reptile.

Taken in November 2012

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