Egret in Forest Park

On Saturday, to make use of the time I could spare not doing 
schoolwork, I walked over to the St. Louis Zoo, which is located 
in Forest Park. Although animals at zoos look more unique 
than wild animals, I felt sort of uncomfortable with the thought
 of photographing caged animals. On the way there I saw a 
couple egrets which were tolerant enough to allow me to get 
close enough to take a detailed picture. 

In the top photo the sunlight's spotlighting of the egret and
 the shadow-strewn background gives an interesting flash-like 
effect. It happened to be fanning out its wings (which should 
explain why it looks so frazzled). In the bottom photo, I stealthily
 hid behind the tall grass and was able to get an uncommonly 
close-up view of the egret, with the blurred purple flowers 
in the foreground being a bonus. 

St. Louis
Taken in July 2012

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