Sunset illuminating College Housing

At the end of a cloudy day the sunset diffused across the sky
 and gave everything a brilliant blazing hue. I quickly got my 
camera and got pictures of the first (albeit random) thing I
 could find- the orange bricked college housing at 
Washington University in St. Louis.

St. Louis
Taken in July 2012

Yellow Flowers in Forest Park

Yellow flowers were all over the forest in Forest Park. While walking
 to the art museum last night (they were screening a James Bond movie
 on the lawn) I stopped to get some shots.

The very low depth of field really gave the large quantity of 
flowers an otherworldly effect where the flowers themselves 
become a forest. Their bright color almost acts like a bokeh
 when out of focus.

St. Louis
Taken in July 2012

Water Lilies and Birds in Forest Park

Along the way to the St. Louis Zoo the other day I took pictures 
of various interesting plants and animals. I had my telephoto lens 
with me, so most of them were pretty far away-- the egret was on
 a waterfall and the water lilies were under a bridge-- and I had to 
think of some creative way to take their picture. Ironically
 enough I just learned about Monet and Impressionism in an art 
history course I'm taking, so I tried to get a luminous perspective of
 the water lilies and their reflection in the water.

St. Louis
Taken in July 2012

The Arch and the Mississippi River

We went on a trip to the St. Louis Arch yesterday, and as soon as
we got there--being the explorer that I am-- I wandered over to the
riverfront and took landscape shots of the rusty bridge and
industrial structures; things that I've begun to hold an
increasingly fascination with ever since I first took a cross-
midwest road trip. In some of the later photos of the bridge
and the tunnel, I used a flash so that I could include
those photos in an assignment I have for a
photojournalism course I'm taking.

St. Louis
Taken in July 2012