Today is Election Day, and I was an election judge at precinct 11. During a lull at
the voting station I took a break to bike home and walk my dog. I had been waiting
all year to finally get a photo illustrating the clutter of political signs in front of
polling places, so I brought my camera with me as I biked back to the voting
station and took a few shots of signs in front of Crow Island Elementary School
and the Presbyterian Church on Willow Road. Unfortunately the scene doesn't
look as cluttered as I would've liked, but it still illustrates the inanimate nature of
the signs and how their bright colors are obviously intended to sway undecided
voters, like a bull charging at a bright red cape.
At any rate, I'm in a political science class and I was an election judge today and
during the primary and I've been to a state senate and house debate as well as
two congressional debates in the past month and I recently phoned people for a
congressman so I'm not intending to be too cynical, although campaign propaganda
is undeniably visual pollution that deserves to have a Warholesque rendering
of it through art.
Taken in November 2012
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